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流 道 塞 子的英文

"流 道 塞 子"怎么读


  • runner plug
  • "流道"英文翻译    runner; passageway
  • "塞"英文翻译    fill in; stuff
  • "子"英文翻译    son
  • "塞(子),(内燃机)" 英文翻译 :    plug
  • "塞" 英文翻译 :    塞名词(可做屏障的险要地方) a place of strategic importance 边塞 frontier fortress; 要塞 fort; fortress; fortification
  • "流" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动1.(液体移动; 流动) flow 流汗 perspire; sweat; 江河流入海中。 rivers flow into the sea.2.(移动不定) drift; move; wander 飘流 drift about; float; 流转 wander about; be on the move3.(流传; 传播) spread 广泛流传 spread far and wide4.(向坏的方面转变) degenerate; change for the worse 流于形式 become a mere formality5.(旧时把犯人送到辽远地区去) send into exile; banish 流放 send sb. into exileⅡ名词1.(指江河的流水) stream of water; stream; current 洪流 mighty torrent; powerful current; 河流 river; 激[湍] 流 rushing [turbulent] stream; 顺流而行 sail with the current2.(像水流的东西) sth. resembling a stream of water; current; flow 寒流 cold current; 电流 electric current; 熔岩流 stream of lava; 意识流 stream of consciousness3.(品类; 等级) class; grade; rate 上流社会 higher-class society; 社会名流 well-known people: 第一流人品 a first-rate character
  • "子" 英文翻译 :    子Ⅰ名词1.(儿子) son 父子 father and son; 长子 eldest son; 独生子 an only son2.(人的通称) person 男子 male person; man; 女子 female person; woman; 童子 boy; lad; 稚子 child3.(古代特指有学问的男人) ancient title of respect for a learned or virtuous man 孔子 confucius; 孟子 mencius; 荀子 master xun4.(种子) seed 葵花子 sunflower seeds; 结子儿 bear seed; go to seed5.(卵) egg 鱼子 roe; 鸡子儿 hen's egg6.(小而坚硬的块状物或粒状物) small and hard things 弹子 bullet; billiard balls; pellet; marble; 棋子儿 chessman; piece; 石子儿 small stone; pebble; 丸子 meatball; pill; bolus7.(铜子儿; 铜元) copper coin; copper 挣这么几个子儿 earn a small amount of money; 一个子儿也不值 not worth a copper or penny8.(封建五等爵位的第四等) the fourth ranking of the five feudal title of nobility; viscount9.(地支的第一位) the first of the twelve earthly branches10.(姓氏) a surname 子都 zi duⅡ形容词(幼小的; 小的; 嫩的) young; small; tender 子猪 pigling; piglet; shoat; 子姜 tender ginger; 子注 small-type explanatory notes in booksⅢ量词(用于能用手指掐住的一束细长物) 一子儿线 a hank of thread; 一子儿韭菜 a bundle of chives; 一子挂面 a bundle of fine dried noodlesⅣ代词(古代指你) you 以子之矛, 攻子之盾 set your own spear against your own shield
  • "道" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(道路) road; way; route; path 干[便] 道 a main [service] road; 林荫小道 a shady path; 马车道 a wagon road; 铁道 railway; railroad; 羊肠小道 a winding [zigzag] path2.(水流通过的途径) channel; course 河道 river course; 下水道 sewer; 黄河入海有过二十六次改道。 the yellow river changed its course to the sea on 26 occasions.3.(方向; 方法; 道理) way; method 养生之道 the way to keep fit; 以其人之道 , 还治其人之身 deal with a man as he deals with you; pay sb. back in his own coin; 志同道合 cherish the same ideals and follow the same path4.(道德) morals; morality 道义 morality and justice5.(学术或宗教的思想体系; 宇宙万物的本源) doctrine; body of moral teachings; the way of nature which cannot be given a name; principle 传道 propagate doctrines of the ancient sages; preach; 孔孟之道 doctrines [teachings] of confucius and mencius; 尊师重道 honour the teacher and respect his teachings; 得道 (of person) have attained wisdom6.(属于道教的; 道教徒) taoism; taoist 老道 a taoist priest; 一僧一道 a buddhist monk and a taoist priest7.(某些反动的迷信组织) superstitious sect 会道门 superstitious sects and secret societies8.(线条; 细长的痕迹) line 画一条斜道儿 draw a slanting line; 铅笔道 a pencil line9.(身体内的管道) tract 呼吸道 respiratory tract; 胃肠道 gastrointestinal tract10.(技术; 技艺) skill 医道 physician's skill ⑾(姓氏) a surname: 道同 dao tongⅡ量词1.(用于某些长条形的东西; 条) 一道烟 a stream [column] of smoke; 一道气 a jet of gas; 一道光 a streak of light; 万道金光 myriads of golden rays; 一道缝儿 a crack; 一道河 a river2.(用于门、墙等; 重) 两道门 two successive doors; 三道防线 three lines of defence3.(用于命令、题目等) 出五道题 set five questions (for an examination, etc.); 一道命令 an order4.(表示“次”) 上四道菜 serve four courses; 省一道手续 save one step in the processⅢ动词1.(说) say; talk; speak 常言道 as the saying goes; 能说会道 have a glib tongue; have the gift of the gab; 道是无情却有情。 you might say (someone) is cold [unfeeling], but he isn't.2.(以为; 认为) think; suppose 我道是老周呢, 原来是你。 so it's you! i thought it was lao zhou
  • "插头;塞" 英文翻译 :    plug
  • "塞 (他州)" 英文翻译 :    sevier county, utah
  • "塞,收涩" 英文翻译 :    astringent therapy
  • "塞-萨针" 英文翻译 :    seldinger-sutton needle
  • "塞-温法" 英文翻译 :    seitz-wintz method
  • "塞,塞子" 英文翻译 :    tampon
  • "折拢;塞" 英文翻译 :    tuck v. draw together into a small place; put into a desired or convenient position
  • "串;流" 英文翻译 :    stream
  • "反吐(流)" 英文翻译 :    regurgitation
  • "流, 波" 英文翻译 :    flumina
  • "流, 电流" 英文翻译 :    rheo-
  • "流,电流" 英文翻译 :    current
  • "流,潮流" 英文翻译 :    current
  • "流,流动" 英文翻译 :    flow
  • "流;融化" 英文翻译 :    flux
  • "脑电(流)" 英文翻译 :    eeg electrode; eeg machine; electroencephalogram (a r. eeg); electroencephalogram (abbr. eeg); electroencephalograph (a r. eeg); electroencephalograph (abbr. eeg); electroencephalography
  • "胃电(流)" 英文翻译 :    electrogastrogram; electrogastrography
流 道 塞 子的英文翻译,流 道 塞 子英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译流 道 塞 子,流 道 塞 子的英文意思,流 道 塞 子的英文流 道 塞 子 meaning in English流 道 塞 子的英文流 道 塞 子怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。